Free shipping for orders over R500.00. Delivery within 2-5 working days.


1. Side Step is committed to providing secure online payment facilities.

2. Payment for all Orders placed on the Side Step Online Store can be made via:

2.1. Debit/Credit Card;

2.2. Electronic funds transfer or direct deposit; and/or

2.3. Secure Instant Deposit via UPay (“SiD”).

3. All transactions are encrypted using the appropriate encryption technology.

4. Credit/Debit Card transactions will be acquired for Side Step via PayU (Pty) Ltd. PayU uses the strictest form of encryption, namely Secure Socket Layer 3 (SSL3) and no card details are stored on the Side Step Website.

5. All pages within our checkout process and areas containing Personal Information are secured using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, which encrypts data between our computer and yours. No computer system is fully secure, however, and there are inherent risks associated with Internet transactions. To make sure your Internet browser is using the latest security features, you may want to download the most recent version of it, which should have full SSL support.

6. In order to view PayU’s security certificate and security policies, please visit

7. Side Step has no access to card details entered by the client on PayU’s secure site.

8. In addition to the full domain security provided by Side Step, additional security is provided during the actual payment process when making payments. All in all, these security measures allow for smooth, safe transactions for you, our customer.

9. Direct bank deposit or electronic funds transfer: if you pay via direct bank deposit or electronic funds transfer, payment must be made within 3 (Three) days of placing your Order. Side Step will not accept your Order if payment has not been received;

10. The above payment options are explained in more detail in our Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”) which can be accessed on the Side Step Website, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.

11. You may contact us via email at [email protected] or telephonically on 011 474 2245 to obtain a full record of your payment. We will also send you email communications about your order and payment.

12. Once you have selected your payment method you will be directed to a link to the PayU’s secure site for payment of the applicable purchase price for your Order.